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Research & Reports

Business plan 2020 – 2023

Our three year strategic business plan (2020-2023), will establish GMS as a sustainable business, fit for the future. We will deliver a range of improvement initiatives and establish assurance against an ever increasing compliance agenda. We will also ensure that we maintain good financial health for our shareholders and to allow us to grow in the future.

In 2023, GMS will aim to be:

  • The local employer of choice
  • The Integrated Care System (ICS) service provider of choice
  • The SubCo Consultant of choice.

GMS Annual Reports

2019- 2020: Download our annual report to find out about our highlights and successes for 2019-2020.

2021-2022: Download our annual report to find out about our highlights and successes for 2021-2022.

2022-2023: Download our annual report to find out about our highlights and successes for 2022-2023.

2023-2024: Download our annual report to find out about our highlights and successes for 2023-2024.

Gender pay gap report

An equitable employment experience is fundamental in order for GMS to attract and retain a suitably skilled and experienced workforce to deliver its business plan objectives.

In line with the legislative requirement to publish raw data to demonstrate the Gender Pay Gap for GMS, Gloucestershire Managed Services.

There were 749 reported staff with a 49/51 male/female split.

The measured position on the gender pay gap as at 5 April 2023 is:

  • Mean gender pay gap 5.49% in favour of male employees
  • Median gender pay gap, 2.37% in favour of male employees

The principles contained within this report will provide a framework for all staff which will facilitate the development of gender pay equality and ensure staff are aware of the GMS aims and objectives in regard to being a local employer of choice.

This report should be read in conjunction with other related policies and procedures and forms an integral part of the GMS approach to workforce retention.

GMS Gender Pay Gap Report (2023)

GMS Gender Pay Gap Report (2022)